Google Snake Game Wiki

Apple Count (aka Multi) is a setting similar to the speed setting that allows the player to choose how many apples to have on the screen at once. The player can choose between 4 options, 1 apple, 3 apples, 5 apples and Dice.

Icon Name Characteristics
Bball 1 apple There will always be 1 apple available to eat when playing.
Count 01 3 apples There will always be 3 apples available to eat when playing.
Count 02 5 apples There will always be 5 apple available to eat when playing.
Count 03 Dice After eating the last apple available, between 1-6 apples spawn, eating each apple removes it. Starts with 1 apple.


The 3 apples option was originally a mode, Multi Mode. This mode has since been removed and replaced with the Apple Count option which applies to all modes.


Dice count was originally an idea modded into the game by Yarmiplay in Dice mod, that later on became an official part of the game.

Px count 03

Dice in Pixel Theme
